Why go on a Bio-Leadership Retreat, and what to expect?

 We know that when we take the time to listen to nature more deeply, a different form of knowledge emerges, one that helps build capacities for resilience, connection, adaptability, systemic awareness, and love. Our retreats and gatherings are places where we can go more deeply into supporting this movement and cultivating these important qualities for our lives and work.

‘This is my medicine’
Dan Burgess, Spaceship Earth & Other Projects - of a recent gathering.

The power of Doing this Together. Each Bio-Leadership gathering combines nature-inspired workshops, guided practices for mind and body, time alone in nature, and space to work as a supportive community. This is very different to being in nature alone, it is a more guided form of working with nature, deepening the power of time alone with the benefits of real camaraderie and support from community. 

Each of our retreats honours age-old processes that have been used over hundreds of years, across many cultures around the world, to cultivate wisdom and care. In these traditions, the process of going alone into nature is not only about bringing goodness back into one’s one life, but also for the whole community. We think the world really needs us to spread this kind of knowledge and care.

As The Bio-Leadership Project we have learnt and worked deeply with respected elder and teacher, John P. Milton and the Way of Nature. At the centre of this work are three intentions: 

Authentic connection to Nature
Authentic connection to Source
Authentic connection to your own True Self

These intentions are at the heart of each of our gatherings and retreats. A chance to strip back from the busyness, let go of patterns and habits, cultivate insight, presence, relaxation, and from there help tap into deeper capacities for connection, resilience, connection and care.

In each programme we place attention into how to integrate the experience back into integrating into life and work. The real work doesn’t necessarily happen at the retreat, or on the ‘solo’ in nature,  but in keeping the learnings alive back in ‘real life’.
This is something we very much look to support. 
Not least, this is all about supporting a culture of connection to nature; establishing relationship with the world we are part of. When we know it, when we remember we are part of it, then we are empowered to care for it in even greater ways.

‘I really valued the the opportunity to slow down over the retreat and connect with myself though connecting with nature in the good company of others. The process was gracefully and lightly held and profound. I go away with a renewed clarity about my purpose.’

-Fiona Ellis, Business Declares 

Is this for you? 

If you’ve never been on a retreat like this is a great opportunity to start to cultivate your own nature connection practice, to learn the skills to support yourself. We encourage you to join us if you go out into nature by yourself regularly, the support of the group and workshops of the guides will enable you to relax into the process and be supported in a very deep way. 

Both the Reconnection Retreat and deeper and longer Source programme are good places to start. The Source Programme nourishes and sustains you in a deeper way, the time aline in nature is longer and we offer more in a way of workshops to support your process. The Reconnection retreat can be seen as a space for continuous practice, or for those just starting out in their nature connection practice.